Top 5 Reasons Why Digital Marketing is Essential in 2013

No more is the digital world a place where consumers have to be, but rather a space that they love to be in. This means that we can expect a significant boost in digital marketing this year because not only will more consumers move there organically, but also because it has evolved into an area that is ingrained in people’s lives and they genuinely enjoy. There are many factors that have brought us to this point, but the main reasons why people are more attracted to the digital world is because it has become more empowering, friendly, social—and it happens in real time.

Digital marketing is essential because it’s empowering 

Online, people can get information on anything they want with just a few simple clicks, from being a good parent to getting a better job to keeping up with the stock market. There is no better place for brands to communicate what makes them valuable than in the places where people are already searching for information and answers.

The digital world is gives consumers a voice that in the past was a mumble, and it’s a very public voice at that. Today if someone is unsatisfied with a product it isn’t possible for a company to hide or ignore their feedback, and if they  choose to do so, they can suffer greatly. Multiple platforms have given people a voice and helped them discover the best of anything from restaurants to banana slicers. This has empowered both the consumers and the companies who put energy into interacting with people and offering quality products or services.

Digital marketing is essential because it’s to the point

Some of the same platforms that have given people a voice have also helped companies learn more information about them. This is extraordinarily valuable because it gives brands the ability to tailor messages to individuals instead of creating one generic message for their whole audience. Today and moving forward consumers get more direct messages that reflect their interests and needs. The result is that information that relates to people is directed to them in a more efficient and valuable way.

Digital marketing is essential because it’s friendly 

On digital platforms brands are identities, not corporations. This gives them the opportunity to make themselves closer to their consumers who are in fact now their friends. It also gives companies the ability to create a personality, which makes people feel connected to them and fosters brand loyalty. Digital marketing adds significantly to the overall conversation and the language is typically more casual, which adds a human element to marketing in the best possible way.

Digital marketing is essential because it’s social

While digital marketing gives companies the opportunity to connect directly with people, it also creates a ripple effect among its customers. Instead of trying to reach a million people on your own, you can now reach this number through the audience you’ve already cultivated. Since digital marketing takes place on some of the most social spaces on the internet, it is inherently a very social way to connect with your audience, which they find enjoyable.

Digital marketing is essential because it happens in real time

Today marketers have the opportunity to get their products and services in front of billions of people with the click of a mouse. They can also develop, adjust, and refine these activities instantly based on feedback from customers or events in the digital marketplace with the help of digital analytics tools that offer instant feedback. Continuous innovation of these analytical tools will help strengthen the ability to pinpoint the successes and shortcomings of marketing campaigns further. These efforts and innovations will help guide investment decisions for the companies and consumer targeting. More importantly, it also helps their messaging become extremely efficient and relevant.

Digital Marketing is a Brand’s New Best Friend

These new characteristics of digital world benefit both consumers and brands, and make the communication more direct and enjoyable. By embracing these qualities, companies can easily interact with their existing audiences and reach more people in a way that’s more personable than ever before. The companies who see this value and invest in digital marketing will not only emerge as leaders within the space, but will quickly become brands that people truly love. The success of a company will soon depend on not only their products, also but how they develop this aspect of their business to tackle the new digital world we live in.

Tekin Tatar is the CEO and co-founder of BeFunky (