The World of Traffic That Exists Outside of Google

Over the last few weeks, Google has undoubtedly been on the war path with many affiliate marketers. They have shut down a huge number of pay per click marketing campaigns without any explanation or reason given. Since affiliate marketers rely upon traffic generation strategies for their livelihood, I will review alternatives to traffic generation outside the Google Universe and jurisdiction.

Here are the two most important principles of generating traffic:

On the internet people can only travel by one of two methods.

a) They can click on a link or

b) They can type in your url.

The stats show that 99.5% of the time people will click on a link to go from one place to another.

If you want traffic on the other hand, the obvious solution is that you have to give the world something to click on. In fact, historically you can rent those links or own them yourself. Pay per click is an impressive $40 billion a year industry. It can also be looked at as rent-a-link.

There is only one secret to having huge success online. People think there has to be something more complex, but I can fully assure you that every traffic generation expert worth their weight in SALT, will agree that if you boil down all the complexity of traffic generation into one sentence, there is only one secret:


The heart of EVERY TRAFFIC GENERATION strategy is that people will have to click on a LINK.


If you have no inventory of LINKS on the web, people will not be able to click on anything to take them directly to your site.

Since LINKS are the primary method of travel online, we must utilize every known and legitimate linking tactic if we are genuinely interested in traffic generation.

So, let’s take a detailed look at all the places you can get these links from:

a) Press Releases

b) Blogs

c) Articles

d) Other websites

e) Videos

f) Podcasts

g) Banners

h) Pay Per Click Search Engines


In a nutshell, all of these tactics can be summarized by thinking about links as having to deal with text, audio and video based mediums and technologies.

What is your story?

Are you having trouble generating traffic to your website?

If so, you haven’t given the world enough to click on!

Think about this: ( has an astounding over 102 million incoming links into their website. That is quite a lot of things to click on! It took them about 14 years to develop that quantity of backlinks into their site, and the end result is that they are one of the most popular websites on the web.

Success leaves huge footprints. You just have to be willing to see it.

So, how are you going to deliver a strategy that gives the world something to click on?

I’ll explore text based linking traffic generation tactics in my next article. Until then, I suggest you give it a shot and “Give the World Something to Click On!