It’s been standard practice for a prospective client to ask for spec work, which gives the client an idea of the agency’s creative chops before making a hiring decision, but the times they are a changin’.
Spec work has become a sore spot for many agencies; It’s time consuming and expensive. Some agencies refuse to participate and risk losing out on a new piece of business. Others begrudgingly comply, while some agencies think it’s still a very important part of the process, in particular when pitching big business.
This in-depth article by the ANA takes on the controversy, diving deep into all sides of the issue. It suggests turning the tables to put the onus on the prospective clients to take on the work themselves and spend time investigating the agencies they are interested in to review their clients and past creative work. Also included are four tips for marketers to keep in mind when asking for creative spec work. Read the article …
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