Casing the Competition
A competitor is eating your lunch. You know it. They know it. What you don’t know is how they did it. Welcome to the murky world of search engine optimization
Live from NEMOA: The “Crumb” Theory of Search
Search marketing can be a “crumby” business. But that’s a positive, not a negative, according to consultant Alan Rimm-Kaufman, president
A Vote for E-Marketing
Howard Dean may have missed his shot at the White House. But his campaign will be studied by fundraisers for a long time to come. For one thing, the campaign
Acquisition E-mail Delivers Sales
At press time, Bob Alcorn, COO of high-tech firm nFrame, was putting the finishing touches on his company’s second e-mail newsletter. He whistled as he
US Golf Association Launches New Digital Catalog
The United States Golf Association (USGA) has launched a new online digital version of its new spring 2004 catalog Monday. The site,,
Make Online/Offline Transition Seamless
The Web is no longer marketers’ territory. Nowadays the consumer is the online king. As a result, the old marketing ways aren’t working, and in some cases
Live From Search Engine Strategies 2004: Make Your Landing Page Sell
A recent review by Google sent A1 Vacation, a site promoting regional resorts, lowered the site’s search results dramatically. Hawaii vacations,
Victus Invests in Online CRM
Victus, a company that sells products to diabetics, entered the U.S. market two years ago with its nutritional supplement Enterex. The Miami-based firm
Multichannel Bliss
Quick, which of the many shopping channels showed the greatest growth during the 2003 holiday period? You’d be wrong if you said it was retail, catalogs
Survey: Print Catalogs Spur Web Shopping
Print catalogs still have a central place in the marketing mix at least according to a recent consumer survey by Millard Group Inc. Among those polled,