

  • Calculating the Real Cost of Keywords

    Performics, the search marketing division of DoubleClick, has thrown a new metric into the mix, designed to track and benchmark the overall marketplace activity of search marketing campaigns.

  • Grabbing the Long Search Tail

    Even though the initial hype has died down and people are no longer tagging “e-” onto the front of everyday words, there’s no question the Internet continues to impact the way we perform everyday tasks and transactions. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the retail sector. User-friendly search engines such as Google and Yahoo! have made it possible for even the most novice shoppers to seek out virtually any product imaginable.

  • Getting Scientific about Web Analysis

    For better or worse, the Web is perhaps the most infinitely measurable marketing medium we

  • Jeeves Joins Search Ad Party

    Ask Jeeves announced yesterday that it will begin selling paid ads linked to keywords on its search engine, in the same way that Google and Yahoo! now do.

  • BlowSearch Takes Aim at Click Fraud

    BlowSearch is a metasearch engine with a mission: to reduce the amount of automated click fraud on the Web, and make itself a strong midmarket search

  • Best Foot Forward

    The Internet can sell in a lot of categories, but it has one Achilles’ heel: It often comes up short in selling highly personalized products that demand

  • A Multichannel Merchant Who Knows Her Craft

    Sandy Sandler admits that she’s a person who takes problems one at a time. “I like to do all the research, get all the ‘i’s dotted and ‘t’s crossed, and then move on,” she says.

    In that light, it makes sense that Sandler would wait until her company, which manufactures and sells a bow-tying item called the Bowdabra, would wait to put up its first transactional Web site until three months ago. She founded Bowdabra back in 1998, when she was training people in starting up corporate gift businesses and found how difficult it was for most people to tie a good bow in a ribbon.