List and Database News
List and Database News Postal buyers purchase bras, hosiery, panties, maternity wear, pajamas and socks. This 2.6 million name file is a postal list
List and Database News
Global Business Magazine Active Subscribers Lake Group Media now manages this file of 30,798 active U.S. subscribers. The magazine covers a variety of
List and Database News
The Selling Advantage Newsletter The 42,750 active subscribers to this bi-weekly newsletter include sales executives, managers and marketing directors.
List and Database News
Web Builders Venture Direct is offering a list of 1.8 million Web masters responsible for devloping their company Web sites. They approve purchases of
List and Database News
Valley Vet Supply Farm Catalog PIP There are nearly 30,000 package inserts are placed annually in orders from the Valley Vet Supply Farm & Ranch Catalog.
List and Database News
Virgo Publishing Masterfile Direct Media Inc. has been named manager of Virgo Publishing
List and Database News
CMP Opt-In Names Rubin Response Management Services Inc. is offering a file of international opt-in e-mail addresses from CMP. It includes 29,491 international
List and Database News
Boat Owners There are new selects on this file of 2.99 million last-12-month boat owners. The selects, available at $10/M, include boat size, propulsion
List and Database News
PaperDirect Direct Media has been named manager of PaperDirect
List and Database News
African American Apparel Mail Order Buyers Walter Karl Inc. has introduced this newly compiled list of 240,000 buyers of apparel from catalogs or from