Direct Marketing
Direct Marketing | Print
Direct Mail Improves Multichannel Mix: Report
Direct mail ROI goes up by nearly 63 percent when the tactic is used as
part of an integrated marketing campaign, according to new research. -
Facts & Figures
3 Ideas for Optimizing Inbound Phone Calls
Consumers are using digital channels more than ever,
but they haven’t hung up the telephone completely just yet. -
Profiles & Campaigns
Search Helps Arbor Grow Senior Living Populations
An integrated marketing strategy powered by search is helping
The Arbor Company connect with seniors and their caregivers. -
Direct Marketing | Print
Direct Mail Helps EyeMed Get Seen By Prospects
EyeMed is one of many brands turning to the old school tactic of direct mail to engage modern B2B buyers.
Direct Marketing | Print
Direct Mail Is About Data, Not Being Pretty
Direct mail may not be the newest trick in marketers’ arsenal, but when used properly, it can be one of the most effective, says Gorton Brott.
Direct Marketing | Print
Making Direct Mail Work Harder: Three Tips
Here’s three tips marketers can use to ensure that their direct mail campaigns trigger a response and persuade people to buy.
Reengaging Email Subscribers: Tips From the United Nations Foundation
Learn how the UN Foundation revamped its email strategy in three months, and reengaged sleepy subscribers.
Tips from Grammarly on Creating a Flagship Email Product
Drew Price of Grammarly offers tips for creating an engaging flagship email marketing product for your brand.
PURLs Engage Nationwide and Yodle Direct Mail Recipients
Everyone is the star of their own movie, and personalized URLs (PURLs) are one way to put direct mail prospects’ names in lights.
Chief Marketer Listline April 22
Lists featured this week include Coins of America and the Wealthy Doctor Newsletter.