

  • Multichannel Marketing and Satisfaction Stats

    We’ve all heard it. For years, the industry buzz has been about multichannel marketing. But we may be missing the mark. While some marketers technically use multiple channels to reach an audience, they are not realizing the real opportunity: to create a better customer experience, unlock a two-way dialogue and measure the results.

  • Colloquy Corner: Avoiding the Zero-Sum Game

    Beside the general argument that single-tender loyalty programs capture only a percentage of your overall customer transactions, there’s another reason that many loyalty marketers value multitender over single-tender programs.

  • Silverpop Survey Shows Best-Practices Gap

    It sounds dumb, but some marketers are failing to give people a reason for signing up for their e-mail newsletters. And too few are offering opt-ins on every page of their Web sites. Those are two findings of a new list-growth survey by Silverpop.

  • Content Delivery Means More Than E-mail

    The hottest electronic channels may be a marketer’s dream. Cutting-edge technology enables consumers to have content delivered directly to them instead of chasing it down.

  • Going Mobile? Text Messaging Is Still the Way

    Mobile marketing is on the way, and it will usher in a Golden Age. Soon we’ll all be receiving rich-media ads over our Internet phones, being enticed by retailers with GPS capabilities to replace those worn jeans at 20% off, and watching TV—complete with ads—on our handsets. Get real.

  • Former Yankelovich Exec Launches Faith-Based Marketing Consultancy

    Craig Wood, the former group president and head of the database division at consumer research firm Yankelovich Inc., has launched the Clarity Group. The new company offers marketing consulting and CRM services to both faith-based and consumer marketers, with an emphasis on direct and database marketing. The Clarity Group ( is based in Chapel Hill, NC.

  • How to Find Campaign Management Tools

    The campaign management tool market has changed dramatically in five years. And these changes have increased the risk associated with choosing tools for a given need.

  • Marketers Suffer from a Metrics Deficiency: Survey

    Marketers want to the right thing when it comes to metrics. But their desire far outpaces their ability, judging by a new CMO Council survey.

  • Marketers Are Unhappy With their Data Systems

    One thing you say for marketers is that they are hardly satisfied with themselves. And that’s especially true when it comes to their customer data capabilities. In a recent survey by the CMO Council, 40% rated their systems as weak or worse.

  • Banks Turn to Online Analytics

    The notorious criminal Willie Sutton once was asked why he robbed banks. “Because that’s where the money is,” he replied. Welcome to the 21st century, Willie. These days more and more of the money is online, and banks are embracing Web data analysis to secure their share of it.