

  • Keys to An Effective Marketing Dashboard

    By now, most marketers are clear on the need to improve their marketing effectiveness measurement. Unfortunately, the question of how still lingers broadly.

  • Using Metrics To Shape Your Direct Marketing Plan

    Justification is the name of the game when it comes to determining a direct marketing budget. It’s no longer good enough to make generalizations about how much revenue you’ll make or what the margin contribution to your bottom line will be. Today, management wants to know what the ROI is going to be before releasing funds. And they want to see detailed proforma metrics as the justification, regardless of the size of the program.

  • Yuletide Metrics Sets Marketers’ Hearts Aglow

    Online retailers will pull back from the physical world and move to the virtual one this December holiday season. And as they do, the metrics they use to evaluate their demand generation efforts have evolved.

  • Want ROI? Think Teamwork

    (Promo) Thanks to improving data tracking tools, bean counters in the finance department might become defenders of marketing budgets during belt-tightening periods.
    According to a study released last month by the Association of National Advertisers, 64% of self-described “successful” marketing program leaders engage a cross-functional team to keep marketing accountable. (MarketingROI, July 27, 2006).

  • A Data Match Made in Heaven

    (Multichannel Merchant) Joe and Ted both spend the same amount of money annually with a multichannel electronics merchant. But by analyzing both behavioral and demographic data on Joe and Ted, the company can see that the amount of money they spent is pretty much the only thing the two customers have in common

  • Delving into Data-Driven Marketing

    Is your business ready for data-driven marketing? Did you know that data-driven marketing is nimble enough to fit even multichannel merchants with annual sales of less than $5 million? A little known secret is that data-driven marketing works for any size organization.

  • Gen Y Phones It In

    Today’s mobile phones are tomorrow’s e-commerce mediums, according to Forrester. In a study of consumers and technology, the firm found that Generation Y uses its phones for a lot more then making calls – which means that once it has some serious money to spend, it’ll be comfortable with this channel. Will you?

  • Should Mel Gibson Be Forgiven? Jewish Group Asks in Viral Campaign

    Call it a case of cosmic coincidence: A Jewish organization is about to launch a viral campaign that touts the value of forgiveness. This occurs just after actor Mel Gibson made an initial pass at apologizing to the Jewish community for anti-Semitic comments he uttered while being arrested for speeding and drunk driving.

  • Party Firm Joins the IMN Party

    The party goes on.

    Do-Re-Me & You! is the latest direct sales firm to sign up for IMN’s Party Pulse e-zine service. Its 1,000 consultants, who sell children’s storybooks and other learning products in home sales parties, can now communicate with customers through e-mail newsletters.

  • Tips for Dealing with The Tough E-Zine Challenges

    As far as we know, there are no degree programs for how to create e-mail newsletters. But it’s an art that should be studied.

    In their eagerness to get their sales message across, many firms ignore basic design and technical rules.

    Here are some e-mail tips from Geoff Smith, managing director of online product develop for Prism Business Media, the publisher of this e-zine.