Survey: 15% of Online Consumers Forward Links to Brand or Product Videos

Video camera oldAccording to a survey conducted by Ipsos OTX, 15 percent of online consumers around the world forward links to a brand or product’s video, while 19 percent forward links to articles about brands or products, and 19 percent forward links to a brand or product’s website.

The most active sharers of videos are Turkey, Brazil and India. Meanwhile, 11 percent of online consumers in the U.S. say they forward brand or product videos, according to Ipsos.

The most active sharers of articles about brands or products are Turkey, India and Indonesia. Sixteen percent of online consumers in the U.S. say they forward articles about brands or products.

The most active sharers of brand or product websites are South Africa, India and Indonesia. In the U.S. 18 percent of consumers say they forward brand or product websites.

Ipsos OTX - share articles videos websites
Source: Ipsos OTX

The poll of 18,331 international respondents was conducted by Ipsos between March 5 and 19.

According to the latest figures from comScore, 86.6 percent of the U.S. Internet audience viewed online video in July.

Video is an important part of any content marketing strategy, and brands and marketers have plenty of online video platforms to choose from.