Studies Show How Internet Media Sways Hesitant Shoppers

E-mail and social media marketing boosts customer loyalty and has a positive influence on purchasing decisions even when consumers are trying to reduce their spending, according to two newly released studies.

E-mail and online recommendations from other consumers exert powerful influences on consumer shopping behavior, online and offline.

Epsilon found that 56% of recipients of permission-based e-mail are more likely to make in-store retail purchases and 48% feel more loyal toward retailers and their products.

About 87% of e-mail recipients surveyed by Epsilon perceive e-mail as a great way to learn about new products and 63% indicated they like receiving personalized offers based on their Web site activity and past purchases.

Other Epsilon findings indicate 88% of e-mail recipients download and print coupons, 79% click on e-mail links for more information and 33% will copy and paste URLs in Web browsers.

New data from Jupiter Research found that consumers are seeking more validation in the form of online ratings, reviews and recommendations before making online purchases.

About 77% of consumers consider user ratings and reviews when researching and considering product purchases. Jupiter Research also found that 42% of consumers perused at least three Web sites prior to making their last online purchase