Staples’ Delivery Business Adds to Profitability

Staples Inc. generated nearly $3.1 billion in sales during its third quarter, including $1.93 billion in retail revenue, $911 million in delivery revenue (which includes auto-replenish business contracts as well as direct-to-consumer sales) and $252 million in European sales.

All of these divisions generated more revenue than they did in third-quarter 2001, when the retail business pulled in $1.85 billion, the delivery unit made $777.6 million, and European sales amounted to $205 million.

The retail sales unit earned $136.3 million in income, up from $100.4 million a year ago. The direct unit’s operating income was $74.7 million, up from 54.7 million. The operational loss from its European business increased from $262,000 to $2.4 million.

Part of the direct sales unit’s growth was an increase in contact auto-replenish sales. The Framingham, MA-based office supplies firm added 2,800 new accounts during the quarter, on top of 5,600 contracts added during the first half of 2002.