Some Consumers Are Ready for Good Times

Conventional wisdom has it that most consumers will limit their spending even after the economy rebounds. But that’s not necessarily the case, judging from a new study by Acxiom Corp.

On the contrary, 36% of all shoppers are labeled “potential rebounders,” meaning they’ll open their wallets when they see improvement, Acxiom reports.

Another 46% are in the “status quo” category — they’re reluctant to change their behavior from what it is right now. And 18% are “digging in”: Don’t expect orders from them anytime soon.

Each of these classifications has further subgroups. For example, the potential rebounders includes one Acxiom calls “it’s my life.” Unlike “savvy spenders” or people in the “protecting the dream” subsets, these consumers are responsive to direct marketing, especially direct mail and e-mail. And they make up around 12% of the total consumer population.

Who are they? They tend to be affluent younger adults with few financial obligations like kids.

Price is not a priority for them. But they’re opportunistic, and will search for low costs.

In addition, they value communication via direct mail, e-mail and new media more than people in any of the other subgroups. And they’re as responsive as anyone else to mass media, word of mouth and couponing.

People in this segment search online for information on home improvement, food and groceries, home décor and jewelry, and are less likely to research apparel, furniture and sporting goods. They visit online shops hosted by category killers like those in comScore’s top 15 most-visited retail sites.

What does this mean for marketers? Anyone wishing to engage this group should provide messaging that reflects stability and reliability in addition to value-based pricing.