Some Call Centers Cope, Others Prosper

In late March, telecommunications firm MCI laid off 4,000 workers and closed three call centers. In doing so, it cited the national do-not-call legislation.

Don’t sound the death knell for outbound telemarketing yet, though: More than eight months after the registry went into effect, marketers are finding new ways to use call centers.

Take Influent Inc. In addition to advocating CRM efforts for its clients, the Dublin, OH-based teleservices firm has boosted outbound efforts on behalf of business-to-business clients to between 40% and 45% of its volume, up from around 5% to 10% two years ago, according to Hayley Weinper, senior vice president of sales and marketing.

It also raised its inbound operations, which in April 2003 made up a negligible part of its volume, to 20% by December.

For clients devoted to outbound calls, the biggest opportunity lies with the Hispanic market, Weinper claimed.