Sir Ken Robinson Keynotes CADM

A KNIGHT WILL BE OUT DURING the day in the Windy City. Sir Ken Robinson is slated to give the luncheon keynote at the Chicago Association of Direct Marketing’s 52nd annual DM Days & Expo March 28 and 29 at Navy Pier.

Robinson, author of “Out of Our Minds: Learning to Be Creative,” will speak about how creativity is vital for all marketers and not just the creatives themselves, said Jay Johnson, president of The Jay Group Inc. and DM Days’ chair.

Also keynoting at the show will be Matthew Moog, president and CEO of Q Interactive Inc., formerly CoolSavings. Moog will cover how important it is to maintain relevancy to customers, since they’re now in control of the marketing experience.

The theme of this year’s show is “shifting into the fast lane” and “getting smarter and faster,” Johnson said. More than 45 educational sessions will take place over the two-day event, with tracks heavy on interactive, database and multichannel marketing, among other topics.

Speakers of note include Andy Sernovitz, CEO of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association, who will detail five steps to creating an effective, sales-driven word-of-mouth marketing campaign.

The globalization of direct marketing will be the topic of a presentation by Ron Jacobs, president of Jacobs & Clevenger. He’ll feature a case history about how China Post developed the first list of consumers in China in 2004 — a file that grew to some 50 million names by the end of last year.

Jela Trivunovic, vice president and director of digital marketing at Draft, will give a session on the “Digital Collide” — the intersection between consumer control and one-to-one marketing — and how marketers can convince customers to interact with them in their medium of choice.

CADM’s annual Tempo Awards presentation also will be held during DM Days the evening of March 28 in the grand ballroom.

“I think having the [ceremony] during the conference definitely brings more attention and recognition to the Tempos,” said Johnson.

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