Computer maker HP has made an agreement with Washington, D.C.-based Small Business Development Centers to distribute technology products through ASBDC’s Web site. The site,, is accessible to 600,000 small- to medium-sized businesses that are members of the association.
Nathaniel J. Lipman has been appointed president and CEO of Trilegiant Corp., a Norwalk, CT, provider of membership-based travel, shopping, health, entertainment and consumer-protection services.
Gary Mulloy, CEO and chairman of ADVO Inc., has been awarded the Partnership for Progress Award by the United States Postal Service. Mulloy accepted the award during a ceremony at the National Postal Forum in Boston on Sept. 23. ADVO offered a $500,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of those responsible for introducing anthrax into the U.S. mail system.
The Direct Marketing Association is holding teleservices ethics briefings, which will focus on the Federal Communications Commission’s proposal to create a national do-not-call list. The workshops, presented by Ian Volner of Venable Attorneys-at-Law and Dan Smith of Dehart and Darr, will be held Oct. 3 and 10 in New York. Teleconferencing is available.