4474 results for: loyalty

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Local-Commerce Profile: Q&A With Clutch

We’re continuing our series of profiles of local-commerce companies by featuring Clutch. The purpose of these Q&A interviews is to give merchants, marketers and others in the industry a look at what some companies out there are doing. These profiles are also meant to offer different takes on the future of the local-commerce industry. Clutch,…

56% of Companies to Increase Email Marketing Spend in 2013, Focus on Re-Engagement

StrongMail recently surveyed more than 1,000 business leaders to feel the pulse of how marketing budgets will shift next year. Most respondents expect their overall marketing budgets to increase or remain steady in 2013, with email marketing, social media, mobile and search programs set to receive most of the increased spending. Email marketing budgets and…

Time Spent With Mobile Apps Increases 35%, Catching up to Time Spent With TV

If you find yourself spending more time with mobile apps and less time with your TV screen, you’re part of a big trend. According to new numbers from Flurry, time spent with mobile apps is quickly gaining ground on time spent with TV. In November, Flurry measured more than 1 trillion “events” from more than…

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  • Engagement (1239)
  • Direct Marketing | Print (536)
  • Data Driven ROI (531)
  • Acquisition (441)
  • Engage & Convert (293)
  • Digital (285)
  • Events (285)
  • Loyalty Marketing (269)
  • Social (257)
  • Data & Analytics (178)
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  • Promotion (765)
  • CRM (339)
  • Experiential (198)
  • Games (119)
  • Sweepstakes (119)
  • Database marketing (87)
  • Data (74)
  • Content Marketing (45)
  • Search (41)
  • Loyalty Marketing (32)
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  • Chief Marketer Staff (2657)
  • Tony Campana (781)
  • Patty Odell (258)
  • Kaylee Hultgren (161)
  • Beth Negus Viveiros (105)
  • Richard H. Levey (31)
  • Brian Quinton (30)
  • Chief Marketer (25)
  • Tim Parry (12)
  • David Hurwitz (11)
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Content Type

  • Posts (3469)
  • E-Letters (899)
  • Blog (56)
  • Special Reports (33)
  • Sponsored Content (7)
  • Partner Content (5)
  • Webinars (5)
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