Search Results for: influencers

  • DIRECT Listline

    American Bar Association This newly managed file includes 300,000 members of the American Bar Association, the national voice of the legal profession.

  • DIRECT Listline

    Processing The 105,087 recipients of this plant operation and processing solutions magazine include engineers, research and development workers, plant

  • DIRECT Listline

    Paws ID Pet Tag Buyers Midwest Direct Marketing, Inc. is offfering 158,611 affluent indivbidualas who have bought the protective Paws ID tags for their

  • Giant Leaps

    The first cover stories examined proposed taxes on advertising and promotion (including one seeking to ban tobacco and alcohol marketing), former Pepsi

  • DTC Ads Can Help With Doctors Visits: Study

    Direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs can be an important and productive part of office visits, according to a new study by Market Measures/Cozint.

  • Brand Illusions

    The PowerPoint presentation surprised Joe Crosby. But the ripple effect it produced really knocked him for a loop. Crosby manages the DoubleTree Club

  • Over the Counter, Under the Microscope

    Suppose you’re the director of marketing in the consumer division of ABC Pharmaceuticals, which makes prescription and over-the-counter drugs. You’ve

  • B-to-B CRM Needs More Than RFM

    AT FIRST BLUSH, customer relationship management in the business-to-business arena is similar to consumer CRM. Both focus on efforts to maximize the long-term

  • Financial CRM Spending Predicted Flat in 2002: Study

    Spending on customer relationship management systems in 2002 will stay essentially level compared to 2001 at about $6.7 billion, with no significant expansion

  • Invisible Giants

    At $55,521, they have the highest annual per-capita income of any U.S. demographic (besting whites by $10,000 and almost doubling the next most affluent