Search Results for: influencers
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American Bar Association This newly managed file includes 300,000 members of the American Bar Association, the national voice of the legal profession.
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Processing The 105,087 recipients of this plant operation and processing solutions magazine include engineers, research and development workers, plant
DIRECT Listline
Paws ID Pet Tag Buyers Midwest Direct Marketing, Inc. is offfering 158,611 affluent indivbidualas who have bought the protective Paws ID tags for their
Giant Leaps
The first cover stories examined proposed taxes on advertising and promotion (including one seeking to ban tobacco and alcohol marketing), former Pepsi
DTC Ads Can Help With Doctors Visits: Study
Direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs can be an important and productive part of office visits, according to a new study by Market Measures/Cozint.
Brand Illusions
The PowerPoint presentation surprised Joe Crosby. But the ripple effect it produced really knocked him for a loop. Crosby manages the DoubleTree Club
Over the Counter, Under the Microscope
Suppose you’re the director of marketing in the consumer division of ABC Pharmaceuticals, which makes prescription and over-the-counter drugs. You’ve
B-to-B CRM Needs More Than RFM
AT FIRST BLUSH, customer relationship management in the business-to-business arena is similar to consumer CRM. Both focus on efforts to maximize the long-term
Financial CRM Spending Predicted Flat in 2002: Study
Spending on customer relationship management systems in 2002 will stay essentially level compared to 2001 at about $6.7 billion, with no significant expansion
Invisible Giants
At $55,521, they have the highest annual per-capita income of any U.S. demographic (besting whites by $10,000 and almost doubling the next most affluent