Search Results for: data

  • PerformanceData’s Jan Davis to Replace Retiring Jay Frank

    Jay Frank, senior VP of Chicago-based PerformanceData, will retire March 31, after 26 years of service. He will be replaced by Jan Davis, PerformanceData’s

  • PRC Orders Postal Service to Fork Over ‘Secret’ Post ECS Info

    The Postal Rate Commission has unanimously ordered the U.S. Postal Service to turn over by Friday afternoon most of the so-called “highly sensitive commercial”

  • USPS Requests “Highly Sensitive” Commercial Data Stay Secret

    For the second time in a month the U.S. Postal Service told the Postal Rate Commission that it wants certain “highly sensitive commercial” information

  • Live From L.A.: Experts Advise On Best E-mail Methods

    A packed session at the Direct Marketing Association’s conference in Los Angeles Monday heard several e-mail-marketing experts rattle off

  • In the Soup

    If trade dollars really can be converted to consumer promotion, Campbell Soup Co. may be the first packaged goods marketer to prove it.Camden, NJ-based

  • Loyalty Begins in the Computer-Savvy Home

    Supermarkets’ loyalty card programs take on different guises depending on how actively grocers want to manipulate the data they’ve collected on shoppers

  • Talking Back

    Look in any wallet or purse these days and there’s a real good chance a pre-paid phonecard is tucked inside. How good? According to Boston-based consulting

  • International

    CANADA Partners in Pie Shirriff and Tenderflake are springing into action with a themed partnership that gets retailers and consumers into the Easter

  • Web Leaders Speak

    What do marketers want from the Web and how do they get it, if at all? Framingham, MA-based International Data Corp. (IDC) has just completed a survey

  • Opening the Dialog

    When Mead Johnson Nutritional began a direct mail program for its Enfamil brand in 1992, it sent mostly coupons to the nation’s four million new mothers.