676 results for: Marketers on fire brands on fire

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Display Ad Prices Plummet: Huge Opportunity To Buy!

Remnant display prices for a long time have just been totally out of hand. Fortunately the recession has brought these prices down back to more of a realistic level, half of what it was in Q4 of 2007 compared to what it is was in Q4 2008.

Steve Richter, Part 1

Few last names evoke the same range of reactions from those familiar with performance marketing as that of our first interviewee, Steve Richter. While the other S. Richter (Steve’s son Scott) has been much maligned by the press, Steve...

F*ed Company Part 2

One of the trends not necessarily evident from attending Affiliate Summit has already started, and will continue in the days and months ahead. This trend reminds us of something we listened to a little more than a year ago at a very...

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  • Promotion (52)
  • Marketers on Fire (31)
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  • Brands on Fire (27)
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  • Kaylee Hultgren (298)
  • Chief Marketer Staff (234)
  • Patty Odell (30)
  • Tony Campana (29)
  • Beth Negus Viveiros (13)
  • Chief Marketer (5)
  • Brian Quinton (3)
  • David Hurwitz (2)
  • Benjamin Reid (1)
  • Chris Wirthwein (1)
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