Search Results for: Marketers on fire brands on fire
Checking in on Yahoo
The stock market doesn’t ever tell the full story, but it often can tell a great story. Such seems the case for Yahoo. Jerry Yang succeeded Terry Semel on June 18th, and investors rewarded the stock with a modest 3%…
Hasbro Under Fire for Marketing ‘Transformers’ Toys
Hasbro is under fire for creating a line of toys designed for young children tied to a PG-13 film.
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Stoking the Fire
A Senate Committee is voting this month on a bill that would put regulatory authority to restrict tobacco advertising and sales in the hands of the Food
Live From DMDNY: An Uncomfortable Conversation
Direct marketers are facing a dialog that may cause them to squirm in their seats. With the rise of social networks, they are increasingly having to listen to, and cede control of their messaging to, consumers.
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Leveraging New Online Media Tools: The Argument for Engagement
Technology is the servant of your marketing goals, not their master. Instead of jumping on the next social media phenomenon, first ask yourself this: what do all these media channels allow me to do that I couldn’t do before?
Marketing Under the Influence
Conducting some brand recognition research within my family, I asked my 14-year-old nephew what commercials he remembered from Super Bowl ’07. He named
Brands Push ‘Shrek the Third’ to Opening Weekend Success
Marketers are helping boost the box office with ties to DreamWorks Animation’s “Shrek the Third,” which smashed the opening weekend records with $122 million in ticket sales.
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Trump Moves on From ‘Apprentice’ Show
Donald Trump has called it quits on his once popular reality show, “The Apprentice.”
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Sniff Sniff
Put a bowl of Hershey kisses on a counter, add the smell of chocolate and you’re on your way to one of your most successful product launches. That’s what
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Buried Mobile and the Double Dip
A few weeks ago, embarrassed by my 98-pound weakling of a mobile phone, I gave in to techno-lust and stopped by my wireless carrier’s local outlet to
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