Twenty-one percent of online shoppers keep products they have purchased online, rather than incur return shipping fees, a new survey reveals.
The study, conducted by NFO Interactive the online branch of market research firm NFO Worldwide, gives a snapshot of behavior influences among Internet shoppers.
Shoppers with longer histories of online purchasing were generally more complacent about keeping unwanted merchandise: 27% of those that have been shopping for more than two years said they kept a product to avoid paying shipping fees, as opposed to those that have only been doing so between 12 and 24 months (14%) or seven to 12 months (13%). Twenty-two percent of those shopping for fewer than six months said they kept an item to avoid return shipping costs.
Other findings of the survey include:
* Nearly nine out of ten of those making returns within the last six months mailed them back to the marketer, and only seven percent were able to take their items back to the marketer in person.
* Forty-five percent of those making their returns via mail paid for the return shipping fees.
* More than one-third of those making purchases in the electronics, books, and music and CDs categories indicated that shipping fees affect their purchase decisions.
The survey results were based on 759 respondents that indicated they have purchased a product online within the past six months.