Beginning in July, consumers will be able to register their phone numbers on the Federal Trade Commission’s national Do-Not-Call list.

Telemarketers will be required to access the list and as of October, it will be illegal for most telemarketers to call a number listed on the registry, the FTC announced Tuesday.

Consumers will be able to register for free either online or by telephone. The Web site URL and toll-free number will be announced in June.

Phone registrations will be phased in region-by-region over an eight-week period to better manage the large volume of registrants expected, the FTC said in a statement.

Consumer’s names will remain on the registry for five years, or until they change their phone numbers and reregister.

The registry will be available to telemarketers in September and they will be required to “scrub” their files every 90 days.

Enforcement of the Do-Not-Call provision begins in October. Violators will be subject to fines of $11,000 per violation.