Reader’s Digest Consolidates Marketing Operations

The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc. has launched a new global marketing organization. The new unit brings the company’s digital teams and consumer marketing capabilities under a single banner.

The global marketing team’s leadership includes: Lisa Karpinski, who will serve as U.S. CMO, and will be responsible for coordinating marketing strategies, promotions and innovation across all direct marketing channels.

Karpinski had previously been CMO for Reader’s Digest Milwaukee. All of the U.S. magazines, books, music and Weekly Reader marketing team members will report to Karpinski and her Milwaukee-based team.

Cara Schlanger, formerly VP of global consumer marketing and magazines, who will move to a new role as VP of international marketing and promotion This new position unifies all marketing and promotional efforts which focus on international business. Schlanger’s responsibilities include overseeing multi-channel marketing and promotion, coordinating enhanced use of Reader’s Digest’s database assets, and adoption of effective digital marketing and development practices.

Kate Gutman, who has has joined Reader’s Digest as VP of digital revenue. She succeeds Jonathan Hills, who earlier was named general manager of Previously, Gutman was VP of digital business development and operations at Rodale. Gutman provide leadership on the company’s content syndication strategy, advance its the new global Web platform, and contribute to the company’s e-commerce strategy.

Rob Hilliard, the VP of digital operations who assumes expanded responsibilities as VP of global data sciences and solutions. Hilliard will bring together U.S. and International database activities.