Waiting a week for your column was tough but, I must say, well worth the wait.
People have been living with the impression that prostitution is the oldest profession. Not true. Getting people to pay for something that was available just for the taking took real genius. So there was a real marketer before almost any other trade.
From that initial sale our industry has been in decline. Direct mail as an offshoot of those early marketing techniques was the high point. However, as you pointed out, we are succumbing to the excesses of the general advertising industry. Mind numbing use of acronyms and business newspeak, the pressures of personal greed and the dumbing down of society has made the job of con artists way too easy. There isn’t any longer, a “sucker” born every minute . . . it’s more like every micro-second.
That is why the industry can claim 3% to 8% growth with confidence.
Albert Saxon
Saxon Marketing
Indian Orchard, MA
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I’d go to these sessions in a heartbeat!
Bernice Grossman
DMRS Group Inc.
New York City
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Your column omitted a topic. After what’s in it for MOI, the roundtable entitled “Client stories from the Far Side. . . or Pearls before the Porcine . . .”
Sunny Heyer
Media Horizons