SIMPLY Irresistible
1. Send ‘Em One White Sock Too often, “we want you back” appeals are boring.But they don’t have to be. Take a look at what the marketing managers at Ansett
Pac Bell Backs Off Telemarketing Plan
Pacific Bell is backing down from a plan to telemarket its services to customers with unpublished phone numbers.The phone company filed a request with
GO AHEAD They’re Listening
If a tree falls in a forest and there is no speech recognition software around, does the impact of the tree on the ground make a sound?The question is
Foster & Gallagher Springs Up on the Web
Foster & Gallagher, Peoria, IL, the megabig horticultural direct marketer, has been taking a slow approach to the Web, but made a major plunge in late
Magazine Circulation-Avant-Garde or Antediluvian
The economics of magazine circulation haven’t changed much in the last 70 years or so. Subscribers pay in advance for a set number of issues, the publisher
Smart Bombing
The 31 American Tire & Service Co. stores under Scott Hook’s oversight had participated in mass advertising programs before, but in late 1997 Hook wanted
DM Deals Hit $38 Billion in ’97 The combined value of strategic direct marketing transactions-including mergers, acquisitions and buyouts-reached $38
All Mail REVUE
Direct mail doesn’t get Tony Awards, nor does it get caricatured and hung on the wall of Sardi’s. But it has become an integral component in making a
Market Research Spotlights Web Commerce
Internet watcher Forrester Research Inc., Cambridge, MA, launched a service April 28 called On-line Retail Strategies to focus on Internet selling.The