A Big Mac and $1 Million, Please
Some people view dining at McDonald’s as a way to quickly satisfy hunger. For others, at least for a few weeks out of the year, it’s a moneymaking opportunity.
DMers Offer Five Unconventional Tips
THINK E-CARDS ARE STUPID? Then you weren’t sitting in the audience at the 50 DM Ideas in 50 Minutes panel discussion last month at the List Vision conference
Ads and the Blogosphere
THE BLOGOSPHERE IS getting to be quite a crowded spot. At press time, Nielsen BuzzMetrics BlogPulse had identified about 32.9 million blogs on the global
Humpty Dumpty Does DM
ARE ADVERTISING PLANNERS who fail to include eggs with direct mail, DRTV and magazine space ads in their channel mixes doing clients an injustice? Before
INSIGHTFUL REPORTING Larry Riggs’ article about the Kellogg School of Management’s direct marketing program (Revised Curriculum, July) was informative
The Water’s Fine
A MULTISOURCED prospect pool takes list-based business-to-business targeting to the next stage of sophistication and effectiveness. Rather than treating
Too Cool
At first I wasn’t sure if this York air conditioner ad was weak enough to cry out for a makeover. After all, it does identify the product and mention a couple of sales points in the headline. It has nice pictures of the product, of happy people, and swatches showing the choice of colors.
But the more I studied and worked with it, the more I found lacking.
Eckler’s Tunes Up Search
A REFINED SEARCH STRATEGY has helped auto parts marketer Eckler’s boost online orders more than 600% and lift sales revenue nearly 550%. Clickthrough
A Better Opt-Out
MICROSOFT BECAME THE DARLING OF THE E-MAIL marketing world last month yes, Microsoft, the evil empire itself by adding an unsubscribe link to its free