Funny thing is, Upshot honchos love to brag about their smashing relationships with the ad agencies they share accounts with, such as Goodby Silverstein on SBC, Chiat Day on Absolut, and Grey Advertising on Seagram. Upshot has been known to whip up a little advertising itself, having created outdoor and broadcast for Coca-Cola and SBC, to name a few.
“Do we like to do advertising? Yes. But at the end of the day, there’s one winner or loser – the client – so whatever we can do to contribute, we do,” says Davidoff.
“Above the line, below the line, that’s so much a part of the past,” adds Kelley. “We’re absolutely what we call ‘on the line.’ What the client needs to get the job done, that’s what we deliver.”
And Upshot goes well out of its way to ensure it’s got the goods. “They usually come back with three different concepts,” says Coca-Cola’s Buczkowski, “First, what we asked for; second, what they think we should do; and third, something in between. We have gone with their thinking a number of times.”
Griseto explains the process that develops some of those ideas. “A lot of times, a client gives us an assignment, but we pull it apart and analyze it and say, you know, maybe this assignment was the wrong one. Maybe the assignment should have been this instead.”