
This industry is taxing. Let me just say that to begin my weekly rant. There are never enough hours in the day, days in the week, or weeks in the month. Time races on and time not spent in front of my screen is money lost. This industry pulls you in and makes you addicted to reporting consoles, post-click conversions, and ad servers. Eventually, I will stop going outdoors. I will lock myself in my office and stare at ever changing reporting consoles and count as my bank account grows. I will no longer interact with friends, only send emails to relatives and stop wasting my time with love. I think this is already happening and I can see its effects on my personal life.

I recently became single after an intense three year relationship. The pain of the break-up has been more than I could have ever imagined and it has truly worn me down. Everyone I speak to gives me the same advice. They say that I should keep busy and that everything happens for a reason. Well, I have kept busy and realized that everything does happen for a reason. Looking back at my relationship I realize that my addiction to constantly monitoring my reporting consoles and bank account probably shifted the course of my relationship and certainly my life.

Let’s be frank here , I am certainly not saying that my love for performance marketing killed my relationship.  Yet , all things being equal, it really didn’t help that I constantly ran home from work and then buried myself in my laptop. The Internet is an extension of life and like life we must exercise moderation. Trust me, the old adage "too much of a good thing " is no joke. Please remember my story and when you go home tonight be sure to stare at someone you care for, rather than your monitor. Maybe you can change the course of your life…

Daniel Starr is the Director of Performance Marketing for Gorilla Nation Media. He has become recently singled and lives in the greater Los Angeles area. He likes long walks on the beach and Charles Bukowski.