Prilosec Turns Internet Purple In One-Day Online Media Blitz

Procter & Gamble’s acid reducer Prilosec OTC is set to activate its largest sweepstakes to date by turning high-profile placements on the Internet purple in a one-day media blitz.

The NFL Season of a Lifetime Sweepstakes is part of Prilosec OTC’s National Football League sponsorship. Starting today, promotions for the sweeps will take over the main ad space using larger format units on five key sites such as and and one network. The purple ads activated last night at midnight and will turn off at midnight tonight. The promotion is handled by interactive marketing agency imc2.

“We’re casting a really wide net, but keeping in a target segment to work within the marketing message,” Steve Minichini, VP-managing director, imc2, New York City, said yesterday. “The nice thing about this strategy is to use the Internet almost like a prime-time spot but be able to interact with the users instantly.”

Visitors to can enter for a chance to win the grand prize of first-class travel and accommodations and tickets to all regular season games for their favorite NFL team as well as tickets to Super Bowl XLI in Miami and the 2007 NFL Pro Bowl in Honolulu, Hawaii, in addition to other prizes.

TV, print, radio and in-store promotions support. Imc2 has offices in Dallas, New York City and Cincinnati.

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