P&G Shutters Custom Beauty Brand Reflect.com

Reflect.com, a Procter & Gamble online consumer beauty store, is about to power down, closing up shop after about a five-year run.

The store, featuring hair, skin, cosmetics and fragrance products, will accep orders through June 13, according to Cheryl Hudgins, a spokesperson for P&G Beauty.

An e-mail message to customers dated June 3 said that the P&G had decided that continuing the Reflect.com subsidiary is no longer a fit with its long-term goals.

Hudgins said P&G’s corporate strategy is to focus on the bigger brands. She declined to disclose sales figures for Reflect.

The site launched in late 1999. The products were also offered in three retail stores—Marshall Fields, Gottschalks, Pure Beauty—in select cities.

A message yesterday at the Web site read: “Dear Friends, It is with sincere regret that we announce the closing of Reflect as of June 13, 2005. We thank you for your support and patronage over the years—our participation and enthusiasm has helped shape the world of custom beauty…” The letter was signed “By all of us at Reflect.”

Reflect will officially close June 30.

The product line offered consumers customized products based on their needs and desires. A guarantee at the Web site offers a remake or refund, with no returns necessary.