, an online pet products retailer, has teamed with home shopping network ValueVision International Inc. to create a weekly series titled The show. The Show will be broadcast on ValueVision’s SnapTV network, and will be simulcast on’s Web site.
Both companies will launch email campaigns promoting the show to their customer base. In addition, Minneapolis-based ValueVision will conduct a direct mail campaign. Petco, a strategic retail partner of, will feature in-store displays touting the show.
In addition to feel-good animal features, such as spotlights on pound-rescued pets and segments stressing the importance of the human-animal bond, the show will carry merchandising tie-ins. Viewers will be able to order products from both ValueVision’s Web site ( and (, as well as through a toll-free number (800-884-2212).
The first episode will air Thursday, April 13 at 9 p.m. E.S.T.