Past Poll Results

Posted on by Chief Marketer Staff

Do you maintain a separate database for your mobile marketing initiatives?
View poll results here.
Learn about K&G Fashion Superstore’s mobile database plans..

Have you used QR codes in a print or direct mail campaign?
View poll results here.
Learn how Dole Salads and Price Chopper used QR codes in a recent direct mail campaign..

Do you use social listening tools?
View poll results here.
Learn which social listening tools can be the most effective to your online conversations..

Have you ever checked in with a site like Foursquare to get a discount from a retailer?
View poll results here.
Read about the appeal of mobile check-ins for direct marketers..

How do promotional products fit into your 2011 budget plans?
View poll results here.
Read why freebies like t-shirts and mugs are still a good bet..

Dd you respond to any Black Friday or Cyber Monday emails?
View poll results here.
Read Sherry Chiger’s assessment of her Black Friday inbox..

Are your search engine marketing efforts focused….
View poll results here.
Read why Moneytree finds all search is local..

Do you turn your online or offline customer service interactions into data gathering or relationship building opportunities?
View poll results here.
Read ideas on improving the customer call center experience..

Have you started your holiday shopping yet?
View poll results here.
Get ideas on how to spruce up your holiday email marketing..

Are marketers focusing too much on social media at the expense of other disciplines?
View poll results here.
Get our take and share your opinions on the Big Fat Marketing Blog..

Did you see Bret Michaels’ DMA:2010 keynote? What did you think?
View poll results here.
Get our take on the Big Fat Marketing Blog..

Skyy Vodka is getting heat for a sexy new print ad. What do you think?
View poll results here.
Get our take and share your opinions on the Big Fat Marketing Blog..

What has the biggest influence today on how clients choose an agency?
View poll results here.
Read about the art and science of agency selection..

Do you change your print catalog copy for the Web?
View poll results here.
Read the latest on copy clarity from Herschell Gordon Lewis..

What is more important in your Web site design?
View poll results here.
Read about Arthur Beren Shoes’ recent site redesign..

How many loyalty programs do you regularly use?
View poll results here.
Read what our Chieftains think..

Do you use your smartphone while you’re out shopping?
View poll results here.
Read about a new mobile mall app from Shopkick..

Merchants, has the economy led you to decrease inventory levels?
View poll results here.
Read about the impact of inventory control on Cabela’s..

Do you think online sales tax collection is imminent?
View poll results here.
Read more on the issue from eTail East..

Barbie is on Foursquare. Is your brand?
View poll results here.
Read about Mattel’s social media plans for Barbie.

Do you use Twitter?
View poll results here.
Read about tips and tools for using Twitter..

Are microsites part of your Web marketing strategy?
View poll results here.
Read how microsites boosted’s conversion rates..

Are mobile live events part of your summer marketing plans?
View poll results here.
Read about the Threadless summer tour..

Which tune would you rather use in a marketing campaign?
View poll results here.
Get tips on using radio to drive retail traffic..

Which tune would you rather use in a marketing campaign?
View poll results here.
Get tips on using radio to drive retail traffic.

Abercrombie & Fitch is reintroducing its racy A&F Quarterly magalog in the U.S. What do you think?
View poll results here.
Read Melissa Dowling’s take on the Big Fat Marketing Blog.

Burger King is giving out toys promoting the latest “Twilight” vampire flick in kids’ meals. What do you think?
View poll results here.
Read about the BK promo.

Facebook’s COO says e-mail is dying. What do you think?
View poll results here.
Read what Sherry Chiger thinks on the Big Fat Marketing Blog.

How do you follow up with prospects after a live event?
View poll results here.
Read how to engage prospects after the show ends.

What most influences your grocery shopping decisions?
View poll results here.
Read about Campbell’s new shelving system.

What do you think about e-commerce pure plays launching print catalogs?
View poll results here.
Read about Fat Brain Toys’ new catalog.

Do social media or promotions help you choose where to get your morning cup o’ joe?
View poll results here.
Read the perks of Jittery Joe’s marketing strategy.

Have privacy concerns changed your Facebook behavior?
View poll results here.
Read about Facebook’s latest privacy redesign

Which hamburger titan has the most innovative promotions?
View poll results here.
Read about Burger King’s recent NASCAR promotion.

Will the iPad revolutionize mobile commerce?
View poll results here.
Read what some experts think about the iPad’s m-commerce potential.

Compared to last year, are your customers’ buying habits…
View poll results here.
Read about consumer spending patterns.

Are your landing pages…
View poll results here.
Read why your landing page is vital to online conversion rates.

Do you enable online ratings and reviews from your customers?
View poll results here.
Read how reviews can strengthen customer relationships.

Compared to a year ago, are you using coupons:
View poll results here.
Read about Nielsen’s analysis of coupon use.

Do you think that Target making the Smith & Hawken Web site into an online gardening community is….
View poll results here.
Read about the Target/Smith & Hawken site here.

Which summer movie do you think has the most merchandising potential?
View poll results here.
Read about the marketing blitz for “Iron Man 2.”

In 2010, how much will you donate to nonprofits?
View poll results here.
Read how charities’ nonprofit efforts fared in 2009.

Are you boosting your direct mail circ this year?
View poll results here.
Read how Urban Outfitters is upping its catalog circ.

What would you like the Easter Bunny to bring?
View poll results here.
Check out Chief Marketer’s lead prospecting survey.

Have you sent back your Census form yet?
View poll results here.
See how your city is doing in Census returns.

Do you think product placement deals are a good idea?
View poll results here.
Read about DonQ Rum’s deal with Universal.

Where/how do you prefer to watch movies?
View poll results here.
Read about Pop Secret’s new “Movie Night” campaign.

Does insincere flattery in a marketing e-mail bug you?
View poll results here.
Get Sherry Chiger’s take on our blog.

As a consumer, do you use mobile coupons?
View poll results here.
Read about Target’s mobile coupon initiative.

Are augmented reality codes in your direct mail future?
View poll results here.
Read about Valpak’s AR campaign with Martha Stewart.

Are you personalizing your direct mail communications?
View poll results here.
Read an update on variable data printing.

How do you decide which shopping center to frequent?
View poll results here.
Read how some malls are using social media to lure in shoppers.

Are you using Facebook as a marketing tool?
View poll results here.
Read Tim Parry’s take on e-commerce via Facebook.

Is mobile an integral part of your marketing efforts?
View poll results here.
Read tips on launching a mobile marketing program.

What do you think of a proposed US Postal Service plan to scale back to five day mail delivery?
View poll results here.
Read what several mail industry groups say.

Which social media network is the best place to reach your audience?
View poll results here.
Read why Facebook may the best place for marketers.

Would you pay a monthly fee to join an online stress relief program like Johnson & Johnson’s new UPLIV?
View poll results here.
Read about the J&J venture here.

How prepared are you for Sun., Feb. 14?
View poll results here.
Read about one unusual pitch for a Valentine’s Day story.

Heinz has redesigned its ketchup packet for the first time in 42 years, allowing users to tear and squeeze, or pull back the lid and dip. What do you think?
View poll results here.
Read how Heinz updated its annual label design contest.

Which team won the Super Bowl commercial competition?
View poll results here.
Read about Denny’s Super Bowl “Grand Slam.”

When someone unsubscribes from your e-mail file, what does your company do?
View poll results here.
Get Sherry Chiger’s take on the Big Fat Marketing Blog.

What do you think Apple’s iPad means for marketers?
View poll results here.
Get Brian Quinton’s take on the Big Fat Marketing Blog.

Do events like Restaurant Week get you to eat out more?
View poll results here.
Read about NYC’s restaurant week promotion.

Have you given a donation via your mobile device to benefit Haitian relief?
View poll results here.
Read about the impact of social media on the Haitian fundraising efforts.

Is your company considering sustainability when making purchasing decisions?
View poll results here.
Read about Walmart’s sustainability initiative.

Who would you back at 11:35 p.m. with your ad dollars?
View poll results here.
Read our take on the Big Fat Marketing Blog.

Are message boards and forums an important part of how you connect with consumers online?
View poll results here.
Read about the influence of forum contributors.

Which promotional areas are you focusing on most in 2010?
View poll results here.
What’s everyone else doing? Read Promo’s industry trend report.

What’s the most vital component of your online marketing efforts in 2010?
View poll results here.
Read Grant Johnson’s 2010 marketing predictions.

How did your holiday sales shape up?
View poll results here.
Read how Sears and Kmart made a last minute play for holiday shoppers.

Who would you rather have represent your brand?
View poll results here.
Read what Melissa Dowling has to say about “Holiday Humbugs.”

What do you think about American Girl selling a doll portrayed as being homeless?
View poll results here.
Read about the doll on our blog.

Are pricey celebrity endorsements…
View poll results here.
Read how one small company is benefiting from Tiger Woods’ woes.

Which movie has the more omnipresent marketing campaign?
View poll results here.
Read about McDonald’s new “Avatar” promotion.

In 2010, will you put more of an emphasis on…
View poll results here.
Read tips on how to find new names and keep your mailing lists fresh.

In light of the pending Comcast/NBC deal, do you think making viewers pay for a subscription to watch TV episodes online would…
View poll results here.
Read Dave Friedman’s ideas on the future of TV.

Is your company using Facebook to…
View poll results here.
Read which companies are making the best use of Facebook.

For your company, was Black Friday:
View poll results here.
Read about Black Friday online shopping patterns.

On Friday, I’ll be:
View poll results here.
Read why BabyCenter says moms plan to up their holiday spending.

As a consumer, does the number of constantly shifting offers from retailers stress you out?
View poll results here.
Read how holiday promotional e-mail is causing one consumer to stress out.

Is cause related marketing part of your holiday strategy?
View poll results here.
Read how QCI Direct is giving something back.

Are you getting over e-mailed by merchants in anticipation of the holiday crunch?
View poll results here.
Read which marketers are tops in e-mail engagement.

Do you think sports sponsorships are worth the money?
View poll results here.
Read about Visa’s Olympics deal.

Which “Sesame Street” character would be the best corporate pitch-Muppet?
View poll results here.
Read why marketers should celebrate the 40th anniversary of “Sesame Street.

Compared to last year, are you spending….
View poll results here.
Read how video can boost your holiday marketing profile.

Was Starbucks smart to combine its two rewards schemes?
View poll results here.
Read about Starbucks’ revamped rewards program.

Would you pay for access to a newspaper’s Web site?
View poll results here.
Read how Newsday is charging nonsubscribers for online access.

How would you describe your company’s performance in October?
View poll results here.
Read what ShopperTrak estimates for fall sales.

Which of these brand spokepersons is the creepiest?
View poll results here.
Read more about corporate “spookspersons” and other creepy marketing.

Does your marketing plan include behavior or event triggered e-mail?
View poll results here.
Read why you should consider triggered e-mail.

Where/when/how do you watch the majority of your favorite TV shows?
View poll results here.
Read Dave Friedman’s take on the future of TV advertising.

Which fast food burger chain is currently running the best marketing and promotional campaigns?
View poll results here.
Read how Burger King is consolidating its promotional work.

Does cause-related marketing influence your personal buying decisions?
View poll results here.
Read about best marketing practices for taking up the cause.

In light of the proxy fight, has your opinion of the Direct Marketing Association…
View poll results here.
Read more about the Pike/DMA proxy fight here.

Do you think techniques like layaway will boost retail coffers this holiday season?
View poll results here.
Read how Kmart and Sears are taking layaway virtual.

Does your company allow the use of social media sites at work?
View poll results here.
Read why some businesses are banning social media in the workplace.

What’s your company doing to inspire employees in the down economy?
View poll results here.
Read how to foster teamwork in tough times.

If Nike renewed its relationship with Michael Vick, would it:
View poll results here.
Learn how to keep sports marketing sponsorships accountable.

Direct Marketing Association members, are you giving Gerry Pike your proxy?
View poll results here.
Read the latest on Pike’s DMA initiative here.

When do you start your holiday shopping?
View poll results here.
Read how Mortons has gone direct in time for the holidays.

How often do you update your Facebook status?
View poll results here.
Read about social media tricks you should try.

How often do you review your ad agency’s performance?
View poll results here.
Read about the ANA’s recent agency evaluation report.

Do you think campaigns like NYC’s “Don’t Drink Yourself Fat” will really curtail soda drinking?
View poll results here.
Read about the NYC anti-soda campaign on our blog.

Has your company prepared for the holiday crunch yet?
View poll results here.
Read what you should do to get ready for the holidays.

Has your company seen a lift from back-to-school sales?
View poll results here.
Read about Kmart’s back-to-school promotion.

What do you think about putting clients in their own commercials?
View poll results here.
Read Tom Hansen’s take on putting the boss in the ad.

A chief marketing officer’s tenure is most affected by…
View poll results here.
Learn the myths CMOs need to stop believing.

Of these frequent conference destination cities, which is your favorite?
View poll results here.
Read how you can drive exhibit hall traffic.

What’s the worst thing about August?
View poll results here.
Check out our summer technology update.

How much have you cut direct mail volume or catalog circ from fall 2008?
View poll results here.
Read 10 ideas to consider in your customer contact strategy

The USPS is conducting a reduced postage-rage test for high-volume first class mailers this fall. Will it be a success?
View poll results here.
Read about the USPS sale here.

Merchants, how were your sales this July compared to last summer?
View poll results here.
Read a roundup of July results for multichannel merchants.

Are you using online video in your marketing efforts?
View poll results here.
Read about the new Pew study on online video growth.

What factor influences you most when selecting a marketing tech provider?
View poll results here.
Click here for more technology news.

Is the predominance of texting going to hurt young folks’ face-to-face social skills?
View poll results here.
Read about improving social media ROI.

Between postal and economic woes, calls for do-not-mail lists and the rise of e-mail marketing, is this…
View poll results here.
Read the latest about mailing list prices.

Has Twitter influenced any of your personal buying decisions?
View poll results here.
Read how Tweets are promoting “Dollhouse.”

In online advertising, which should marketers focus on?
View poll results here.
Read the latest online marketing news here.

If you could start your career all over again, would you still go into marketing?
View poll results here.
Read the latest in direct marketing employment stats.

Are blogs still a relevant marketing tool?
View poll results here.
Read Grant Johnson’s blog musings here.

Michael Jackson was…
View poll results here.
Read more about the King of Pop on our blog.

What do you think of Sarah Palin resigning as governor of Alaska?
View poll results here.
Read about Stupid Political Watch: Republicans Spamming Part II on our blog

Who is your favorite All-American icon?
View poll results here.

What’s more important in today’s economy?
View poll results here.
Read what Ron Jacobs and Paul Kuzma think.

Who oversees social media in your company?
View poll results here.
Read about StrongMail’s social media survey here.

In a down economy, how important are loyalty programs?
View poll results here.
Read about Hyatt’s latest loyalty effort.

How do you feel Microsoft’s Vista OS compares with XP?
View poll results here.
Read the latest from Forrester here.

How do you feel Microsoft’s Vista OS compares with XP?
View poll results here.
Read how it computes on our blog.

How are you driving the most Web traffic?
View poll results here.
Read about Fairytale Brownie’s strategy here.

Some discounters like Big Lots are upscaling their images. What do you think?
View poll results here.
Read Tim Parry’s take here.

Toys ‘R’ Us has purchased FAO Schwarz. What do you think?
View poll results here.
Read MCM’s story on the sale

Are you a Mac or a PC?
View poll results here.
Read Wayne Pollard’s take on the new Microsoft ads

What’s the “little luxury” you won’t give up in the down economy?
View poll results here.
Read about Godiva’s new loyalty program here

Is social media replacing e-mail as a marketing tool?
View poll results here.

Okay marketers, fess up. Are you personally receptive to ads on your mobile?
View poll results here.
Read about iPhone users’ mobile ad responsiveness here.

Last week, KFC had to give rainchecks to customers redeeming free meal coupons from, because stores were overwhelmed. What do you think?
View poll results here.
Read about KFC’s recent promotional efforts here.

Is your company concerned with having an eco-friendly image?
View poll results here.
For more on green marketing, click here.

Who will win the coffee marketing wars?
View poll results here.
Read about the McCafe launch here.

Do you still shop by catalog?
View poll results here.
Read all the coverage from this year’s ACCM show here..

With everyone from Oprah to Church’s Chicken tweeting and quit rates that may be 60%, has Twitter already jumped the shark?
View poll results here.
Read about Church’s Twitter campaign here.

Catalogers, are you mailing more “Slim-Jim” size books?
View poll results here.
Click here to read about the U.S. Postal Service’s new standards for Slim-Jims.

DVD marketers are reporting healthy quarters. Has the economy affected how you entertain yourself?
View poll results here.
Click here for the latest Netflix financials.

A recent Etailing Group survey showed only about a third of merchants will increase their e-commerce tech investment in 2009. What does this mean?
View poll results here.
Read MCM’s Q&A with Etailing’s Lauren Freedman here.

What do you think about the YouTube videos documenting Domino’s employees’ bad behavior?
View poll results here.

Would you use Internet sensation Susan Boyle in a marketing campaign?
View poll results here.

What do you think of the U.S. Postal Service’s idea to discount standard mail rates over the summer?
View poll results here.

TNT has reportedly cancelled “Trust Me,” a drama about a Chicago ad agency. Did you watch?
View poll results here.

What’s the best Easter candy?
View poll results here.

What do you think of Burger King’s new SpongeBob “Square Butts” commercial?
View poll results here.

Do you still read a daily print newspaper?
View poll results here.

Coca Cola is testing interactive vending machines. What do you think?
View poll results here.

April Fool’s Pranks in Marketing: Pro or Con?
View poll results here.

In automating your marketing operations, where’s your biggest headache?
View poll results here.

In an effort to de-geekify itself, the Sci Fi Channel is changing its name to Syfy. What do you think?
View poll results here.

Barbie is 50. Which contemporary toy brand has the potential to be around five decades from now?
View poll results here.

What do you think about the US Postal Service’s latest round of cutbacks?
View poll results here.

What do you think of companies merging multiple brands under one online roof?
View poll results here.

A nutrition firm purchased the rights to 800-867-5309 for $25 million. What do you think?
View poll results here.

Lately, customer service-wise, I’ve been happier with:
View poll results here.

Should brands endorsing Rhianna drop the deal?
View poll results here.

In the grocery store, what’s driving consumers the most today?
View poll results here.

Does your company use Twitter for marketing purposes?
View poll results here.

Do you socialize with co-workers?
View poll results here.

Lately, customer service-wise, I’ve been happier with…
View poll results here.

Has your company cut back on direct mail to reach the masses?
View poll results here.

Dairy Queen is offering bloggers gift cards in exchange for posts. What do you think?
View poll results here.

Are your direct marketing response rates…
View poll results here.

Did Facebook’s recent privacy policy snafu change the way you use the site?
View poll results here.

Jay Leno is abdicating the “Tonight Show” throne to Conan O’Brien. This spring, who will be the hipper late night ad buy?
View poll results here.

What’s up at your call center?
View poll results here.

The worst thing after a three day weekend is:
View poll results here.

How has new technology changed your TV ad spending?
View poll results here.

Where is your company making the deepest cuts?
View poll results here.
Click here for the ANA’s bleak predictions.

What’s the best fake advertising catchphrase?
View poll results here.

Will the economy make you cut back on your personal Valentine’s Day spending?
View poll results here.
Click here for Valentine ‘09 trends.

What’s driving the most traffic to your site?
View poll results here.
View the latest e-marketing news.

Who was the best Super Bowl commercial duo?
View poll results here.
Click here for more super commercial news.

Do you think the USPS should switch to 5 day delivery to cut costs?
View poll results here.
Visit our Postal Dispatch blog.

Does winter weather impact your business?
View poll results here.

What do you think about Ty Inc. marketing Beanie Babies named for the Obama girls?
View poll results here.
Discuss the presidential daughters on the forum

In direct response, testing is happening…
View poll results here.

Did you watch the inauguration?
View poll results here.
Discuss the presidential coverage on the forum

After Inauguration Day, how long will it take our new President to lift the economy?
View poll results here.
Discuss Obamamania on the forum

Where do you get your best creative ideas?
View poll results here.
Discuss your creative moments on the forum

Burger King has a new Facebook app that lets users “sacrifice” 10 friends in exchange for a Whopper. What do you think?
View poll results here.
Discuss Burger King’s new marketing strategy on the forum

The New York Times and the Boston Globe will now accept front-page display ads. What do you think?
View poll results here.

As a consumer, are you feeling “luxury shame” about conspicuous consumption?
View poll results here.
Discuss Circle Shopping on the forum

In 2009, what will matter most in marketing?
View poll results here.

Personally or professionally, did you send holiday cards this year?
View poll results here.

Catalogers and e-tailers, are your average order sizes…
View poll results here.

So far, are your holiday sales…
View poll results here.

My boss is most like…
View poll results here.

Should the government bail out the Big 3?
View poll results here.

For 2009, is your database marketing spending:
View poll results here. | Read and Discuss Direct’s annual CRM/database marketing survey.

Stove Top is heating 10 Chicago bus shelters this month. What do you think?
View poll results here. | Read and Discuss the Stove Top article on PROMO.

For your company, was Black Friday:
View poll results here. | Discuss this on our forum!

On Friday, I’ll be:
View poll results here. | Discuss this on our forum!

How is Black Friday shaping up?
View poll results here. | Discuss this on our forum!

A controversial Motrin online ad jokingly suggests that for some moms, babies are back-pain inducing fashion accessories. What do you think?
View poll results here.

I’ll be doing my holiday shopping…
View poll results here. | Discuss this on our forum!

Is the economy exacerbating buyer’s remorse?
View poll results here. | Discuss this on our forum!

Do you have a personal social networking account?
View poll results here. | Discuss this on our forum!

DHL Express is pulling the plug on its domestic services in January. What do you think?
View poll results here.

Are virtual events…
View poll results here.

Will the Obama presidency be good for marketers?
View poll results here.

For business, are you traveling…
View poll results here.

So, who rocks your vote?
View poll results here.

The Halloween candy I’d steal first from my kid’s bag is:
View poll results here.

The best TV ad exec ever is…
View poll results here.

Of the marketing e-mails you receive, what percentage do you delete unopened?
View poll results here.

Will the sharp falloff in consumer spending translate to a decline in the employment of CMOs?
View poll results here.

My company’s holiday sales…
View poll results here.

What do you think of Pepsi’s new logo?
View poll results here.

When hiring, what matters more to you?
View poll results here.

Have recent economic conditions made you rethink your 2009 marketing budget?
View poll results here.

In the last month, did your company’s DMA08 travel plans change?
View poll results here.

The reality show title that best describes my typical work day is:
View poll results here.

Who do you think is more qualified to be president?
View poll results here.


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