803 results for: pop-up

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CM Weekly 6-22-19

|  by Tony Campana

CM Weekly June 23, 2019 Who do you trust? This week, we’re talking about what inspires brand confidence, loyalty and purchases. You’ve probably seen the UL insignia on products, and you know it’s a sign of quality. But do you really know what UL does? CMO Kathy Seegebrecht recently sat down to share the story…

CM Weekly 5/12/19

|  by Tony Campana

CM Weekly for the week of May 12, 2019 We’re feeling like jetsetters this week, so take a trip with us, won’t you? Puerto Rico has been working hard to get visitors—and their tourism dollars—to return to the island following the devastation of Hurricane Maria nearly two years ago. Leah Chandler, CMO of the Destination…

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  • Engagement (216)
  • Events (144)
  • Direct Marketing | Print (123)
  • Acquisition (117)
  • Social (97)
  • Digital (96)
  • Engage & Convert (85)
  • Profiles & Campaigns (71)
  • Data Driven ROI (49)
  • Technology (39)
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  • Promotion (71)
  • Experiential (62)
  • Experiential Marketing (31)
  • Search (26)
  • CRM (23)
  • Event Marketing (21)
  • Sweepstakes (21)
  • Games (19)
  • Brand Activation (16)
  • Content Marketing (11)
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  • Chief Marketer Staff (444)
  • Kaylee Hultgren (87)
  • Patty Odell (68)
  • Beth Negus Viveiros (34)
  • Tony Campana (18)
  • Tim Parry (7)
  • Brian Quinton (6)
  • Richard H. Levey (6)
  • Chief Marketer (6)
  • Evan Vladem (3)
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  • Posts (714)
  • E-Letters (58)
  • Blog (20)
  • Sponsored Content (4)
  • Special Reports (4)
  • Partner Content (3)
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