Online Shoppers Go for Jewelry and Luxury Goods

Jewelry, luxury goods and accessories are shaping up to be hottest online product categories this shopping season in terms of the number of consumers visiting Web sites. Online traffic in these categories increased 40% between October and November, which translates to 13 million consumers perusing sites offering such products.

This year it’s projected consumers will spend $15 billion online. Roughly 80% of the Internet-connected population has shopped online this year.

The latest monthly figures released by comScore Media Metrix indicate consumers have spent more than $1.3 billion online through Dec. 12 for jewelry and watches, which appears to be the fastest growing category this year. Overall sales in this category are 58% higher than for the same period last year.

The toy category and department stores have also seen large gains. In November nearly 22 million consumers visited Web sites offering toys, reflecting 14% increase, compared to the same month last year. Similarly, department stores with Web sites saw a 29% increase in online shoppers last month, compared to November of 2003.