NMOA Announces European Market CD-ROM

The National Mail Order Association announced the availability of a new CD-ROM that details the mail order marketplace in Europe.

The disk, entitled “Mail Order Europe 1999,” features over 3,200 of the top European mail order catalogs in 25 countries. These companies represent more than 80% of the mail order and catalog sales in Europe. Company profiles include contact information as well as sales volume where available.

The disk also includes the top 378 European catalog commerce sites, a library of sales data and market reports detailing 16 of Europe’s largest mail order markets and with market briefs covering nine additional smaller European markets.

The CD-ROM, which sells for $595, was created in cooperation with the European Mail Order Trade Association. To order call 1-888-496-7337 or go to the DMOA’s Web site (http://www.dmoa.org) to download a free demo.