Nielsen//NetRatings Introduces VideoCensus

Internet media and market research firm Nielsen//NetRatings introduced its new online video measurement service, which is dubbed VideoCensus. Besides confirming Nielsen’s love of making one word out of two, this is an important and interesting step towards setting a viable and accurate standard when it comes to measuring online video information.

"VideoCensus is the first-ever syndicated online video measurement service to combine panel and census research methodologies and provide an end-to-end accounting of audience size, demographic composition, engagement and competitive activity," the press release stated.

Online video publishers, technology providers and networks can simply insert a piece of code into their video platforms, which will allow NetRatings to gather "a precise census count of the viewing activity."

"Our charge was to build a measurement system that provides rich demographics, pinpoint accuracy and the ability to adapt quickly to meet the changing needs of this evolving marketplace. VideoCensus is grounded in media research fundamentals and leverages the technology and accountability afforded by the Internet," said Dave Osborn, director of the Nielsen//NetRatings MegaPanel services.

VideoCensus will be able to collect information regardless of the video platform or application in use, and can report on the viewing of cached content, peer-to-peer programs, and digital rights-managed streams.

TBS, NBC, and VideoEgg all voiced their pleasure with VideoCensus in the press release.

As online video continues to grow in popularity and financial potential, it becomes increasingly important to have a trustworthy party measuring all aspects of video content. VideoCensus seems to be a big step towards this.

A next-generation release is expected in October 2007, though initial monthly reports were available to clients since January.
