PSG is becoming a recognizable acronym on the marketing scene through acquisitions. Its purchases continued last month as the company – Promotion Services Group – said it will buy Wells Marketing of San Francisco. Founded by Liz Wells in 1986, the full service marketer ranked No. 27 on the promo 100 last year with $2.7 million in 1997 net revenue. Wells’ client list includes Visa, Wells Fargo, Intuit, and Pacific Gas & Electric.
Wells joins the stable of agencies making up PSG, the Wilton, CT-based entity that operates as a network of autonomous promo shops owned by True North Communications. True North’s Diversified Companies Group bought Barr Benedette Group of Wilton, CT, earlier this year. PSG is comprised of five other companies: Wilton-based Market Growth Resources and Performance Media, McCracken Brooks of Minneapolis, and The Peterson Group and Properties Group in New York City.
“Wells marketing is a strong, vibrant, and dynamic firm that we knew would complement our strategic marketing mix,” says PSG president Wes Bray, noting that Wells gives PSG its first West Coast presence.