In your marketing, do you overwhelm your customer base with the fancy stuff, or do you keep it simple and easy for them to digest? And in this rough economy, which is the better choice for a main course?
I pondered this as I read a Boston Globe profile of Christopher Kimball, the creator of America’s Test Kitchen. I had the chance to hear Kimball speak at a NEMOA event and was struck by his comments that, in his magazine Cook’s Illustrated, less was — if not more, then at least all that was necessary.
Many cooking magazines overwhelm the reader with page after page after page of recipes each issue — 47 things you can do with a chicken breast, 28 zucchini showstoppers, whatever. Cook’s Illustrated limits its offerings to a manageable 10 or so painstakingly detailed recipes per issue. The amount is a realistic number for a home cook to be able to try.
So, how’s your marketing buffet looking? Appetizing or overstuffed?
Commentary from the