Moms Don’t Cash In on Credit Card Rewards

Fully 41% of moms use a rewards-based credit card, but more than half don’t redeem their points.

A survey of 539 U.S. moms found that 53% of those who use incentive credit cards have yet to cash in. More than half of them (55%) don’t have enough points yet for the reward they want; 41% are waiting for the right time to redeem. Another 31% aren’t even sure what rewards their cards offer.

The April survey, found that 41% of moms are dissatisfied with their rewards card program: 34% say their credit card does not offer the kind of rewards their family wants, and 32% resent restrictions on rewards, such as black-out dates, limited availability of rewards, and high point requirements.

Chase commissioned Harris Interactive to conduct the survey on behalf of Disney Credit Card Services. Chase issues the Disney Rewards Visa card.

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