Mobile Users Engage With Ads Most in the Mornings

An infographic from Mobclix offers some insight into “The When, Where & What of Apps.” Among the tidbits of visually appealing information are when users most often interact and engage with apps, and the market share iOS and Android boast in different parts of the world.

According to Mobclix, 22 percent of iPhone users spend the majority of time on apps between 4-6 p.m. Meanwhile, 24 percent of Android users spend the majority of time on apps between 9-11 p.m., and 38 percent of iPad users spend the majority of time on apps between 9-11 p.m.

The infographic also notes that 34 percent of iPhone users engage with ads the most between 9-11 a.m. Meanwhile, 21 percent of Android users engage with ads most between 9-11 a.m., and 36 percent of iPad users engage most with ads between 8-10 a.m.

App usage is highest during the weekends, accounting for 38 percent of the overall time spent using apps.

Mobclix also notes that during the Fourth of July weekend, app usage increased 108 percent from the previous week. The most popular apps used during the holiday weekend were utilities.

Citing its own data (based on ad impressions), Mobclix shows that Android owns 67.29 percent of the U.S. market, while iOS claims 22.55 percent.

In Canada, iOS has 66.38 percent, while Android has 24.87 percent. In the U.K., Android leads with 48.90 percent, while iOS has 44.42 percent.

In China, iOS claims 59.15 percent of the market, while Android has 15.54 percent. In Japan, Android owns 58.87 percent of the market, while iOS has 38.56 percent.

Mobclix also looked at what tools the top 100 free apps on the iPhone app store are using. It found that 56 percent are using analytic tools, 67 percent are using mediation solution providers for their in-app ads, 82 percent are using iAd as one of their ad networks, and 16 percent are using a social gaming network.

According to separate numbers from comScore, the top U.S. smartphone app category for the three-month average ending in May was weather, followed by social networking, maps, news, search and sports information.

Photo or video sharing service, bank accounts, digital books/magazines, and restaurant information were also popular smartphone app categories in that month.
