Missouri Do-Not-Call List Bill Signed Into Law

Legislation creating a state operated telemarketing do-not-call list was signed into law Tuesday by Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan. The measure, which won legislative last month, becomes effective on August 28.

It requires the Secretary of State’s office to develop and maintain a list of Missourians who do not want to receive telemarketing calls. Consumers will have to pay $5 to be placed on the state-maintained do-not-call list.

Telemarketers who “knowingly and willingly” call an individual on that list face civil penalties of up to $2,000 per call. The law also permits individuals on the list to sue and collect up to $1,000 in damages for each telemarketing call they receive.

Furthermore, the law also imposes a number of requirements on telemarketers such as fully identifying themselves and truthfully detailing the product, service, or sweepstakes program being offered, including any related costs in addition to detailed customer and employee records.

It also prohibits telemarketers from verbally abusing or harassing consumers, demanding advance payment for goods and or services, including credit repair services.