Meet the Broker: Gabriella Sayers

Today we meet Gabriella Sayers, director of list management at Stanford Direct, Ramsey, NJ.

Prior to joining Stanford three years ago, she briefly worked at data processing firm Apollo Direct. For the 10 years prior to that, she worked in direct and credit marketing roles at Equifax.

At Stanford, she specializes in brokering and managing compiled business-to-business, Canadian and new-mover files. Like most in the industry, she’s feeling the effects of current slow business conditions.

“I do see a decrease in the quantity of names and the number of mailings being done per year and I think that’s basically due to the recession and possibly the Internet coming into play,” she says, noting the boom days of traditional direct marketing may be in the past. “But hopefully people are still traditional and like to receive mail and see an actual piece of paper in their hands