Meet the Broker: Beth Stewart

Today we meet Beth Stewart, president and founder of Carlsbad, CA-based list brokerage and management firm Infocore Inc.

Before setting out on her own in 1992, she spent the five preceding years working for direct marketing firms. She was responsible for list selection, campaign analysis and served as an in-house list manager for National Pen Corp. and other mailers.

These days, Stewart estimates she spends about half her time brokering list deals. She serves as the lead broker for clients in financial services, automotive and other consumer and business-to-business markets.

Her brokerage clients include ACA Financial Guaranty Corp., Northland Biogenics Inc., XTS Global, Hope Africa, Millions by Marketing and the Archdiocese of Durban.

“I like this industry because I can use my people and analytical skills. Not everyone has a career that allows them to do both,” Stewart says.

Stewart is married and keeps a pair of Labrador Retrievers at home. She also has second vocation