May’s Take – Mind Torn Apart By Wins and Losses

Feng Kuang, translated from Mandarin to English to, “mind torn apart by wind,” could describe a great many of us in the affiliate network industry. It could describe many in the world as well, not limiting ourselves to affiliate talk, but rather to talk at large. Talk throughout the universe of minds being lost is rampant, but there are few industries that lend themselves to fostering this particular brand of mind-tearing. ADD, OCD, ADHD, and all combinations therein are present in nearly all of us. Look around your office. It’s like vampires at night, friends. You have been bitten. Everyone is playing the smiley face, or the angry face, or the “I’m too busy to talk to you” variety, but most of their tears are growing deeper by the minute. If you could crack their craniums, you’d find all sorts of mental intangibles, and a psychiatrist would have endless fun diagnosing side effects of an industry where I readily accept conference calls with potential “huge affiliates” at 2am, only to wake up at 6 because “Master Pub Monster” only does his business in the early morning. As my work load increases, I am furthering my inherent scatterbrained nature, and before too long, these entries will max out at three sentences. Rather, I could in fact scramble through pages of incoherence, but that doesn’t really do anything for anyone.

We had an affiliate sign up the other week with a slight derivation of “fengkuang” as their name. I wanted to approve them, not even knowing the meaning at the time of signup and assessment. The meaning only revealed itself through a new friend, said girl of an entirely different industry, who speaks a speck of Mandarin. However, list name was, and that’s when I became slightly suspicious.