What there is is the bigger definition of what there is if the bigger definition of what it is when I write words with smaller definitions. Less in the definitive sense, but quickly I go to shorten up the infinite nature of how long it is I wish to proceed. Procedures of quantifiable measurements, pleasurements galore but the word dismemberments of gore. Rhyming inconsistencies and inconsistent run-on rhymes to deter readers from Confidential reading and musings of the less-than-amused. Edited passages cease to exist in my realm, because I say “parameters” far too much in a parameter-less series of sayings such as pleased to meet you and meet to please you. Try too hard to place strict guidelines without having guidance from the ground in which I sprung. Up ground! Ground up words like garbly kwankyphister reedsourmalong cockyfarnhapple. Lucky I was to forget to write something coherent this week, a wonder of blunder is what I had planned. Streamlined story with plenty ‘o analogies and alliteration, like alliteration of analogical ease of existentialistic excessive often eager entrails of elephant-hunting electrically energetic engagements. I do.