Charitable organizations received an average of 29 % of the money raised per campaign by professional telemarketing companies in Massachusetts in 2003, said Attorney General Tom Reilly.
According to the annual “Attorney General’s Report on Telemarketing for Charity,” 84 registered telemarketers conducted 566 charitable telemarketing campaigns in Massachusetts in 2003, raising a total of $201,937,274. Of those campaigns:
*Twenty-eight percent of the charities received 50% or more of the campaign’s gross revenue.
*Thirty-eight percent of the charities received between 30%-49% of the campaign’s gross revenue.
*Eleven percent of the charities received between 20%-29% of the campaign’s gross revenue.
*Eleven percent of the charities received between 10%-19% of the campaign’s gross revenue.
*Nine percent of the charities received less than 10% of the campaign’s gross revenue.
“Especially during this holiday season, contributing to a charity is a wonderful and selfless way to help those in need,” said Reilly in a statement. “But people should be mindful that, in some cases, large portions of their donations may not ultimately be going to the charity. That is why I urge people to be aware and ask questions so that they know just where their dollars will wind up.”