Marketing Automation Adds Up for Bookkeeping Firm

numbersMarketing automation is helping bookkeeping firm Sum of All Numbers create a sales management pipeline, to keep track of sales and onboarding.

The Fremont, CA-based firm, founded in 2006, works with $500,000 to $5 million companies. The virtual company (everyone is in a home office) has about 400 clients, 75% of who are based in California.

It has been working with InfusionSoft since 2010 to implement marketing automation. The system helps Sum keep track of leads and manage long-term nurturing campaigns, said Holly DeVito, CEO and founder. The majority of the company’s leads come from referrals from certified public accountants (CPAS). While Facebook advertising has been successful, it hasn’t done a lot of lead gen and outbound marketing.

“We don’t provide tax services, so CPAs are happy to refer us,” she said.

At the start of the process, a sales person will do a discovery call with a prospect to see if they are a fit. Then, an evaluation will be conducted of their business to begin the relationship and establish a level of trust.

“The personal touch is what we use marketing automation for the most in long term nurturing campaigns,” she said, noting a number of triggered emails go out to gauge interest levels and mark milestones, such as birthdays.

Sum of All Numbers also sends content-rich monthly newsletters with content on financial topics such as tax tips and when payments are due. Personalization is heavily used to help establish the personal connection.

ROI is gauged by the number of leads from marketing and advertising efforts.


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