Mail Stream: July 20

Edo Popken Launches U.S. Catalog
Men’s apparel designer Edo Popken recently mailed the Premier Edition “Cosmopolitan Successwear” catalog introducing his Zurich, Switzerland-based clothing line to the U.S. Previously, only a limited selection of the collection was available, but now the designer offers his full line in the states. In a letter addressed “Dear Fashion Connaisseur,” Popken recalls his family’s history with fashion, beginning with his great grandfather who started his own clothing business in 1880 in Hameln, Germany. The Popken’s modified their specialty throughout the years, notably in the late 60s when they launched Ulla Popken, focusing on maternity wear and then plus-size clothing. In this collection, Edo Popken offers men’s casual and dress wear, including Limited Edition Dress Shirts, which are produced in editions of just 111, featuring individually numbered labels in the garment. Presented as “works of art,” the Limited Edition Dress Shirts come in a variety of colors and styles ($198 – $238). Other featured items include the Club Blazer ($898), the Elite Jacket ($348), and the Zurich Lion Pro T-Shirt ($98). Orders can be placed via mail, phone, fax, or online.

D.E.L.T.A. Rescue Uses Love and Telepathy to Save Animals
A recent #10 package from D.E.L.T.A. Rescue, details the story of a dog named Kelley, who was rescued in the California wilderness in an unconventional fashion. The organization, whose name is an acronym for “Dedication and Everlasting Love to Animals,” was founded by film actor, producer and animal rights activist Leo Grillo in 1979. A black and white photo of Kelley taken the day she was found graces the front of the envelope. Inside, a four-page letter explains that Grillo’s initial efforts at bringing her to the rescue were unsuccessful. At first he tossed her scraps of food, but any attempts to get too close were met with retreat. When he first encountered the young abandoned canine, he could tell that “she wanted help but was too afraid to take it.” Grillo explains that the last “thing left in his bag of rescue tricks” was telepathy, and that it is only ever effective with “love and lots of emotion.” Through positive visualization, Grillo is able to connect with the dogs, sending them strong mental images of safety. He then brings them to his “SuperSanctuary” – a mountain-top refuge with over 1,500 animals – where they can stay for the rest of their lives. An insert titled “Then & Now” gives the recipient a brief history of D.E.L.T.A. and Grillo’s commitment to saving animals from starvation, mentioning that the actor taught himself veterinary medicine from textbooks before the organization was able to afford two hospitals on site. An additional insert from Robert Davi – star of television’s “The Profiler” — is included in the promotion. Davi cites the sincerity and sensitivity of Grillo’s work as the reason he lends his support to D.E.L.T.A.’s initiative. There are three additional postcard sized inserts that feature color photos of rescued animals, each with quotes on the back demonstrating the founder’s dedication. The ask ladder is set at $20/$30/$50/$75/$100/other.

Elle Updates Voucher
Hachette Filipacchi Media’s fashion magazine Elle updated its subscription package earlier this year, brightening up the envelope’s exterior with color and sample magazine covers. While the #10 voucher format remains the same, recent packages now feature glossy exteriors, a striking thick red line across the front, and images of high profile celebrity covers. The front presents the text “Professional Courtesy Discount Offer” beside an Elle cover featuring Victoria Beckham. Samples of the Spring and Fall Fashion Week Issues, which are included in the offer, appear on the back with cover models Mariah Carey and Jessica Simpson. The contents of the promotion remain consistent with previous mailings, including a bright yellow “About This Discount Offer” insert. The “Professional Discount Form” retains the longstanding hard offer of $8 for 12 issues.

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