I recently read Michael Ray’s The Highest Goal: The Secret That Sustains You in Every Moment and immediately started picking out points that I thought would be beneficial to all of you. This book is based on the author’s acclaimed Personal Creativity in Business class, which he taught at Stanford University for 25 years to the likes of eBay entrepreneur Jeff Skoll and Good to Great bestselling author Jim Collins. With that kind of track record, it would be wise of me to start incorporating some of his points in my partner marketing efforts.
What made Ray’s book interesting was that he gave heuristics in the form of systematic exercises that he calls "live-withs." These help transform mere intellectual insight into real experience of life. When you "live with" behavioral guides such as "Pay Attention," "Walk Into Fear," or "Be Loyal to Your Own Values," you start seeing unexplored potential in yourself and start viewing things differently.
Let’s take an in depth look at one of Ray’s ‘live with’- such as the counterintuitive notion that the path to True Prosperity can start by living with "Do Only What You Love, Love Everything You Do." So now take a look at your business life and ask yourself, are you really doing what you enjoy? I took a look at my own role at YFDirect as Director of Partner Marketing and felt quite blessed that I can truly say that I love what I do. Whether its meeting, talking, AIMing, or calling our partners, I really love it. Because I enjoy it so much I have created some lasting and mutually beneficial affiliate relationships. If you aren’t happy with what you are doing, it shows- either by being unpleasant towards others or not having the ability to form great affiliate partnerships.
So my friends, I selected five of Ray’s live withs that we could use in affiliate partner marketing.
*If at first you don’t succeed, surrender
At what point do you stop trying to set up a conference call with a big email publisher who won’t give you the time of day? Sometimes you just have to move on.
*Destroy judgement, create curiosity
Do you have your own opinions or thoughts about an affiliate’s business model? You think all companies in Boca Raton are shady? Start asking questions to discover more about their business- you might even uncover another business opportunity. The wonderful thing about curiosity is that it opens up a lot of doors.
*Ask dumb questions
Going back to what your grade school teacher told you- there is no such thing as a dumb question.
*Do only what is easy, effortless, and enjoyable
Please do this in your personal life because your professional life (and affiliates) will reap the benefits. Haven’t you noticed that the happiest and most successful people know how to take the time to relax and enjoy life?
*Everything in life is either a yes or a no
Will you run this offer- yes. Will you hit $100k in commission this month- no. Be straightforward- don’t waste people’s time with a “maybe”.
I leave you with my favorite “live with”- Amplify positive deviance.